This picture was take from the Museum of St Paul's Cavalier on the 23rd October at 12:23 PM.

This 20th century piece of 3 dimensional machinery is know as the clapper which was a wooden instrument that was rung instead of a bell in the whole week. Its purpose was to grab the attention of people with its continues clapping sound as with the name. It really inspired me due to its symmetrical design which is very visually pleasing.
This picture was taken on the 22nd October at 12:50 PM and is found in The National Museum of Fine Arts at Valletta.
These to Antique Vases from the 19th century unfortunately had no information about them written but they speak for themselves. Both perfectly symmetrical and have a story that is shown to the viewer the more you turn it around. They both have a remarkable amount of detail on them even on the bronze handles on both sides of the vases. The first one has an inscription written and not as much art is drawn around it.The sense of vintageness the paintings and colours on the vases give really inspire me because of the warm and dirty colours.
This chair is part of a set which was also done in the 19th century. It displays great craftsmanship with artistic visuals in the back rest of the chair and how well made it is to still be in this good condition. It shows the beginning of the wood bending into forms instead of welding which inspired my idea generation mural to use metal bending.
This picture was take from the Museum of St Paul's Cavalier on the 23rd October at 12:34 PM.
This picture was take from the Museum of St Paul's Cavalier on the 23rd October at 12:34 PM.
Here we can see a mid 20th century dress. It's made from cotton and the blue leaf like patterns that are on it are printed. It looks like late summer wear due to the short sleeves and thin materials chosen and even the color and pattern choice give of that effect. The cool blue color on the leaves are really complementary to the white background and it gives that vintage look as well. The colors used are very complimentary and i really like to use them in my mural sketches.
This picture was take from the Museum of St Paul's Cavalier on the 23rd October at 12:33 PM.
Here is another dress from the early 20th century. This one on the other hand is for the winter due to its thicker material warmer and dull colors and the fact that it longer is also a factor. Its made from brocaded silk and satin and lace. Its a lot more detailed in the collar area and shows a lot more technique it also like the other one is printed and give of that vintage look.